

This small script is necessary to use the moFF output files created by the id_transfer_cli tool together with the moFF toolchain. moFF expects one result file per input file. The id_transferer_cli tool on the other hand creates one result file per clustering file.

The splot_moff_file tool can now be used to create one result file per input file based on a moFF formatted (use the option –moff_compatible) result file from the id_transferer_cli tool.


Split a MoFF quantification output file based on the MGF input file that the various PSMs originate from.

Usage: –input=<moff_result.txt> –out_dir=</my/dir> (–help | –version)
-i, --input=<moff_result.txt>
 The path to the moff result file. New files will be generated by appending “moff.txt” to the MGF filename.
-o, --out_dir=</my/dir>
 Output directory to save the newly created files in.
-h, --help Print this help message.
-v, --version Print the current version.