
This tool exports the consensus spectra of a clustering result file into the specified format.

Usage: –input=<results.clustering> –output=<spectra.mgf> [–format=<MGF>]
[–min_size=<size>] [–max_size=<size>] [–min_ratio=<ratio>] [–max_ratio=<ratio>] [–min_identified=<spectra>] [–max_identified=<spectra>] –cluster_ids=<ids.txt> –input=<results.clustering> –output=<spectra.mgf>
[–format=<MGF>] (–help | –version)

-i, --input=<clustering file>
 Path to the .clustering result file to process.
-o, --output=<features.txt>
 Path to the output file that should be created. The output will be formatted as a tab-delimited text file.
-f, --format=<MGF>
 The output format to use. Currently only “MGF” is supported [default: MGF]
 If this parameter is set, the cluster ids are read from the specified file (one id per line) and only these clusters will be exported. All other filtering parameters are ignored if this parameter is set.
 The minimum size of a cluster to be reported.
 The maximum size of a cluster to be reported.
 The minimum ratio a cluster must have to be reported.
 The maximum ratio a cluster must have to be reported.
 May specify the minimum number of identified spectra a cluster must have.
 May specify the maximum number of identified spectra a cluster must have.
-h, --help Print this help message.
-v, --version Print the current version.